Spooky Case of the Wem GhostCreamy Swiss-style (Vegan) Chicken and Mushroom Pepper StewReading Email with PHP and IMAP/POP3Garmin Edge 205 GPS Cycle Training ToolTank Wars in G3DA Simple 2D Terrain Model

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kerryn6:54 am, Thursday, 23 February 12 |
I was doing this speech for school on are ghosts real and I saw this picture and it looked quite interesting to so I read random comments then followed a link to this page and now I half believe it and half don't (DON'T cause its literally identical and DO because it seems a bit real to me :3) and a question to everyone: is there any stories of the girl losing an arm because if you look really closely to the GHOST girl she is missing her left arm!!! | |
DSM8:48 am, Saturday, 4 August 12 |
I was wondering why someone hadn't done a comparison of the two images and then stumbled upon your page - absolutely perfect. | |
Paul11:48 pm, Friday, 17 August 12 |
How very clever of you to set this up with sliders. I was taken in like all the rest until coming across your site. Shame in a way but we needed to know! | |
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