Thu 12 May 2022

Creamy Swiss-style (Vegan) Chicken and Mushroom Pepper Stew

This recipe is my version of a ready meal sold by Netto with the name "Sahne Geschnetzeltes Schweizer Art" (the link goes to Edeka but it's the same thing).

Yeah yeah it's a ready meal, but it's actually really tasty, and I wanted to make my own version of it so I could do it without meat and have control over the quality of the other ingredients. It came out really well, so I'm writing it down in case I struggle to remember how I did it next time.


  • 40ml Dark Soy sauce
  • 70ml Red wine
  • 140g dried soya pieces (I used Veganz Soja-Schnetzel available from Kaufland)
  • Medium-large onion, roughly diced
  • Half a vegetable stock cube
  • Tin of tomatoes
  • Herbs and spices: Salt, pepper, thyme, basil, paprika (rosenscharf), garlic
  • 120ml Creamy vegan milk (Lidl's Barista oat milk is the best I've found)
  • 200g mushrooms, thickly sliced


  1. Pour the wine and soy sauce into a microwave-suitable bowl, add the soya pieces and stir them around well until all the soya chunks are well coated. The soy sauce improves the colour of the soya chunks, and additionally improves the taste by tempering the slight bitter aftertaste that soya pieces can have.
  2. Add the diced onions and crumble the stock cube over the top. Tip in the tin of tomatoes, slicing them in situ if they are not pre-chopped. Add the herbs, spices and garlic, and mix thoroughly.
  3. Mix in 75ml or so of tap water and cook in the microwave for 4 minutes on max. Stir it around, and cook for another 4 minutes. Add the oat milk, and bang it in the micro for 4 more minutes.
  4. Add the mushrooms now and give it another 4 minutes in the microwave on high followed by 5 or 6 minutes on 30% to make sure the soya chunks are nice and soft.
  5. Serve with chips.

/xkcd/ SawStart